CannAmm’s Collection Sites
CannAmm’s Collection Sites

CannAmm’s Collection Sites

Blog and Opinions Red Slashes Oct 28, 2022
By: Kendra Lawrysyn

For over 25 years CannAmm Occupational Testing Services has been providing clients with dedicated service. With a humble beginning in North Bay Ontario to nationwide coverage today, our organization wouldn’t be where we are without our Collection Sites and the teams that fill them.

CannAmm operates collection sites throughout Alberta, northern B.C., and northern Ontario. We have dedicated CannAmm collection centers in:

These centers have CannAmm team members whose roles include collection technicians, occupational health nurses, supervisors, and administration support. Each assists with a different part of a donor’s occupational testing journey. Team members work together to get donors in and out of our testing facilities—and back to work, when necessary—as fast as possible. Every test our collection site staff runs is of the highest quality, performed in an empathetic, professional manner that generates defensible results.

To accompany CannAmm Collection Centers, we work with an array of third-party collection sites across the country. These sites are within the CannAmm-trained collector network. We are proud that this is one of the largest collection networks in Canada. A compiled list of the cities where our team at CannAmm has collectors is on our Collection Site page. To discover which sites are near your location, you can connect with our team at 1.800.440.0023.

We set the highest standard in drug and alcohol testing. Thus, we require collectors and collection sites in our network to be well-trained in the types of testing they provide. To join the CannAmm collection site network, our training professionals help identify any necessary training or certification. Training can be done through CannAmm in Edmonton or North Bay, or online.

Occupational testing is an important part of a comprehensive health and safety program. For some industries, this may be a regulatory requirement. For other industries, it may be a proactive step toward team well-being. CannAmm is an industry leader in delivering fast, defensible, and confidential occupational testing services. We do so with empathy, unquestionable expertise, and trusted solutions.

Are you interested in booking your team in for occupational testing services? Whether it’s for an organization or if you’re looking for an independent test, CannAmm is here for you. Connect with our team of subject matter experts today to discover which CannAmm Collection Site is closest to you.

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