Respiratory Mask Fit Testing
Respiratory Mask Fit Testing

Respiratory Mask Fit Testing

Blog and Opinions Red Slashes Jul 29, 2022
By: Kendra Lawrysyn

Respiratory Mask Fit Testing is one of the occupational health tests that our team at CannAmm offers our clients. Mask fit testing assesses the degree of protection or seal of a given mask type and size. This is done according to the acceptable standards set out by the manufacturer. The mask fit test ensures the personal protective equipment fits the participant well enough to protect them from hazardous exposure.

Our team at CannAmm is proud to offer our clients mask fit testing for both half and full respiratory masks. Regardless of the mask model, our team at CannAmm follows a standard mask fit protocol to ensure a proper seal.

The appointment can take anywhere from 15 to 25 minutes to complete. Participants can be fit for several mask models during their appointment. At the end of the appointment, the participant will receive a mask fit test certificate. This certificate is valid for one year. A new mask fit test should be completed whenever a different size, style, model, or make of the respirator is required. The participant should also get a new mask fit test if there are any facial changes such as significant weight fluctuations or dental work.

CannAmm’s occupational health nurses measure a mask’s seal during various breathing rates, head positions, and body positions. The seal is also evaluated during speech. This includes exercises such as but are not limited to:

  • Normal breathing
  • Deep breathing
  • Participant moving their head side to side
  • Participant moving their head up and down
  • Participant talking
  • Participant jogging in place or completing an exercise

A proper tight-fitting respirator must have a full seal to protect the wearer. A proper fit means that the mask will seal to the participant’s skin. When there is a proper fit, air will only pass through the filter of the mask and keep out hazardous elements.

Remember, air will always take the path of least resistance. If there is not a proper seal then air will sneak in around the mask and lessen its protection.

Our team of CannAmm nurses complete respiratory mask fit testing for a variety of participants including:

  • Individuals who work in the vicinity of harmful gases and particles
  • Laboratory workers
  • Construction workers
  • Mine workers
  • Oil and gas workers

Are you looking to have your employees complete a mask fit testing certification? Our trusted experts at CannAmm have several makes and models of masks to fit your exact needs. With our respiratory mask fit testing protocol, you can be sure that proper seal checks are conducted for your team. Connect with one of our subject matter experts today!

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