CannAmm Occupational Testing Services is proud to support several non-profit organizations across Canada that align with our mission, vision, and values. One of these incredible organizations is Threads of Life, the Association For Workplace Tragedy Family Support. Threads of Life is dedicated to supporting families after a workplace fatality, life-altering injury, or occupational disease with several support programs and services.
Did you know that today, three families in Canada will receive the news that a loved one is not returning home from work? Traumatic occurrences like this, life-altering injuries, and occupational diseases often result in families, friends, and co-workers woven together by a need for grief counseling, crisis intervention support, healthy coping skills, assistance with workplace investigations and inquiries, community building, and a common voice to help prevent other Canadian families from experiencing the same pain and suffering. This is where Threads of Life plays an important role for the individuals bonded by workplace tragedy.
Each year Threads of Life hosts a 5 km flagship fundraiser, Steps For Life, which aims to educate the community about the devastating ripple effects of a workplace tragedy and how Canadians can work together to prevent others from being injured or killed on the job. All proceeds from the Steps for Life events support the Threads of Life programs and services that support more than 3,200 family members from across the country.
Since 2011, a number of our team members at CannAmm have been able to participate and help raise both awareness and donations for this incredible event. As a team, we encourage you to visit the Steps For Life website and see if there is an event being held in your community this May and how you can get involved. If you’re looking to join virtually there is an amazing national online event being held as well, letting you and your family walk from anywhere at any point in May!
Here at CannAmm, we strongly believe in getting involved with the community. Whether it be by volunteering or donating, we feel that it is important for businesses to rally around their communities to give back. CannAmm is fortunate enough to be a national sponsor for the Steps for Life walk and encourages others to take a look at this important organization to see how they can get involved. Looking for more information? Check out our Community Involvement page or the Threads of Life or Steps For Life websites today! Their amazing representatives would be happy to assist in any way possible.