What is Medical Fitness Testing?
What is Medical Fitness Testing?

What is Medical Fitness Testing?

Blog and Opinions Red Slashes Mar 10, 2023
By: Kendra Lawrysyn

Whether your organization is completing testing for legislative compliance or to have a culture based on safety, Occupational Health Testing ensures your team is fit for duty. One of these testing practices is Medical Fitness Testing. Discover the meaning of Medical Fitness Testing and other common questions below!

What is Medical Fitness Testing?

A medical fitness test is a comprehensive medical exam. It includes a full medical history, current health status, and a physical assessment. This exam helps safety-sensitive industries to promote safety by managing employee health risks. Managing health risks starts with setting a benchmark for each employee. This is an important part of protecting the long-term health of your employees.

The medical exam takes 45 minutes to an hour to complete and consists of four parts:

  • Part 1: The clinic obtains consent for the release of clinical information both past and present.
  • Part 2: The examiner documents the subject’s medical history. Then the examiner performs a comprehensive head-to-toe physical assessment. This identifies current and potential future limiting medical conditions.
  • Part 3: A physician reviews all the clinical information. They determine fitness for duty and provide interventions when required.
  • Part 4: The final fitness status is confidentially reported to the authorized company representative.

Implementing medical fitness tests will improve the health and wellness of the workplace. It does so by assessing whether team members are fit for the job they are performing. Employee health conditions could endanger the rest of the team or the public.

Our team of knowledgeable industry experts created our medical fitness testing services. Custom-designed to meet your needs, these services protect employer and employee rights. Testing ensures that employees don’t unfairly lose employment. It also ensures that employers can defend decisions when required.

Who Oversees Medical Fitness Testing?

Qualified members of CannAmm’s Occupational Health group perform our medical fitness testing. This includes a full medical history and a head-to-toe physical assessment. A physician team reviews all the clinical information. This assures quality and consistency. They determine fitness for duty, recommend needed assessments, and provide interventions when required.

Which Positions Need Medical Fitness Testing?

Employees in many industries and roles are legally obligated to undergo health monitoring. These include:

  • Employees handling hazardous substances
  • Commercial vehicle operators
  • Employees in the mining industry
  • Pilots, air traffic controllers, and flight engineers
  • Designated positions critical to railway operations

Introducing medical exams into health and safety standards is a way to manage health risks in the workforce, as well as risks to the public. The exams are often done to achieve legislative or contractual compliance. But, they are now emerging as a new standard of due diligence for all safety-sensitive industries.

CannAmm’s Occupational Health Services cultivate a safe, healthy, and productive workforce. Get the best in medical fitness evaluations:

  • Standardized, quality-assured, and available coast to coast
  • Easy to manage—book multiple tests with one request
  • Easy to combine with drug and alcohol testing
  • Based on accepted international standards
  • Confidential and defensible
  • Supported by medical expertise when needed

Create a strong foundation for employee well-being with CannAmm today. Connect with our team to learn more.

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