Establishing an effective Functional Fitness Evaluation program requires understanding a job’s physical demands. Referencing a Physical Demand Analysis is crucial when confirming if a worker is capable of completing the job in a safe manner.
A Physical Demands Analysis is a customized document that outlines all essential job tasks. It touches on the physical demand requirements to perform a specific job position. Each analysis reflects the unique needs of each position within an organization.
The analysis sets benchmarks to understand the level of physical requirements needed to complete the job and reduce the risk of injury. It provides an opportunity to analyze a position, identify risk factors, and determine if job tasks, or workplace environment modifications, are necessary.
The analysis will start with a description of the job position. This includes:
From there a breakdown, frequency, and duration of each physical task and the positional requirements are listed. Information about the equipment and/or tools required when performing job duties is provided. There may be images of specific job tasks and equipment/tools used depending on the analysis.
This is followed by a customized checklist of all the physical demands of the job. Measurements of weights, distances, heights, and forces associated with each job task are included.
A Physical Demands Analysis is made when a new position is created or when a position’s tasks have a significant change. It is used for effectively orienting new employees to a position. A physical demands analysis should be examined as often as necessary to ensure its relevance. Anytime there is a change in a major process, task, equipment, or job demands the analysis should be updated as needed.
The analysis is always completed by a qualified healthcare evaluator. This includes:
It’s beneficial for qualified candidates to be skilled in injury prevention, job analysis, and return-to-work planning.
The evaluator will construct a physical demand analysis form. This document goes through an analysis of the job by consulting the tasks with a representative familiar with the job, observing the job in action, and gathering objective measurements. The analysis is not finalized until it has been verified by an employer representative.
Is your organization looking to have a physical demands analysis completed to accompany your functional fitness evaluations? Our team of occupational testing experts is here to help you develop effective and efficient testing resources. Connect with our team today to have a physical demands analysis constructed for your job positions.